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SEPTEMBER 11-13 2024, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

EuRuKo 2024
Keynote Speakers
Panel Discussions
Lightning Talk Session
Countries Participating

What is EuRuKo?

EuRuKo (European Ruby Konferenz) is the largest and longest running annual Ruby conference in Europe, since 2003, that brings you all the good news about Ruby and its friends. Every year it takes place in a different European city, the location being chosen by participants.


G.O.A.T. EuRuKo 2024

EuRuKo 2024 will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first-ever Ruby conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held in person, both for participants and speakers. We will not plan to provide a stream, but we will record all sessions and publish them at a later date on EuRuKo's official youtube channel.

The pitch we made for 2024 was for a G.O.A.T. EuRuKo, the greatest of all time of course, but also because of the famous goat from Tuzla, BiH. The story behind this has been passed down for generations, if you want to learn more about the goat, click on the button below.

Why the G.O.A.T.?


Only Keynotes and MC shown here. Click the button below to see all speakers.

Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto

Keynote (in person)

Creator of Ruby

Dave Thomas

Keynote, Panel Host

Co-author of The Pragmatic Programmer, Programming Elixir, Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Starter Kit, Agile Web Development with Rails. Speaker. Trainer.

Irina Nazarova

Keynote, Panel Host

CEO at Evil Martians, co-founder at AnyCable and a true coffee geek!

José Valim


Creator of Elixir. Chief Adoption Officer at Dashbit. Prev. Rails core. Ruby Hero Award recipient.

Xavier Noria


Rails core. Author of Zeitwerk. Software veteran who does OSS for fun in spare time.

Koichi Sasada


Director of Ruby Association. Ph.D in Information Science and Technology. Improving Ruby interpreter (MRI/CRuby).

Victor Shepelev


Ukrainian. Ruby committer. Software Architect at Hubstaff. Currently serving in the Armed Forces.

Carmen Huidobro


Head of Developer Education at DevCraft academy.

EuRuKo ticket benefits

This is what you get when you buy a ticket for EuRuKo 2024

G.O.A.T. Content

Featuring some of the most esteemed speakers and workshop hosts from the Ruby community.

Full Program Access

Access to all keynotes, talks, workshops, lightning talks, expo, networking sessions & parties.

Thermal Spa Resort

As hotel guests you get free access to the thermal spa offer of a five-star hotel.


You get to visit Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina, often called the european Jerusalem.


Vegan, vegetarian and meat (halal certified) options available. If our budget allows, we want to cover lunch and coffee breaks for all attendees.


Access to a EuRuKo Discord server where you can talk with fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors.


EuRuKo 2024 will be held at Hotel Hills: Congress & Thermal Spa Resort.

This five-star resort is home to the biggest and most modern convention center in the region. It's conveniently located only 2km from the well connected Sarajevo airport. Accessible via a tram line connection to the city or a 30 minute bus or taxi ride from the historic Sarajevo city center.

Please use the following link to register for lunch for yourself: (self paid) lunch

Please use the following links to get the discounted accommodation:

Hotel Hills: €80+ accommodation

Hotel Hollywood: €60+ accommodation

QR Code
Hotel Hills 1

EuRuKo Agenda

Check our Agenda and Schedule.

Day 1 - 11. September
Day 2 - 12. September
Day 3 - 13. September
Main Track
Second Track
Third Track
08:30 - 09:40


09:40 - 10:00
MC welcomes the audience

Carmen Huidobro

10:00 - 10:50
Opening Keynote: Zeitwerk: A Retrospective

Xavier Noria

11:00 - 11:30
A Decade of Rails Bug Fixes

Jean Boussier

The Curse of Service Objects

Ivan Nemytchenko

Benefits and challenges of introducing a strict Content Security Policy

Igor S. Morozov

11:40 - 12:10
Simplify, Then Add Lightness

Piotr Szotkowski

Building native Ruby extensions in Rust

Guilherme Carreiro

Ruby off Rails

Erica Weistrand

12:20 - 13:00
Seven things I know after 25 years of development

Victor Shepelev

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30
On the benefits of slot scheduling

Julik Tarkhanov

Demystifying Debugger

Dmitry Pogrebnoy

Workshop: Bring your Ruby app in the Cloud

Riccardo Carlesso & Andrei Bondarev

14:40 - 15:10
Optimising your database for analytics

Karen Jex

Mechanical sympathy, or: writing fast ruby progams

Tim Kächele

Workshop: Bring your Ruby app in the Cloud

Riccardo Carlesso & Andrei Bondarev

15:20 - 15:50
Patterns and solutions distilled from 10 years development and maintenance of a big campus software ruby on rails application

Igor Jancev

Lessons From Escaping the Dependency Upgrade Maze

Marko Ćilimković

Workshop: Bring your Ruby app in the Cloud

Riccardo Carlesso & Andrei Bondarev

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:20
Keynote: Evolution of real-time and AnyCable Pro

Irina Nazarova

17:30 - 18:30
Irina's fireside chat with Bartosz Blimke, Adrian Marin & José Valim

A sustainable path in Open Source

18:30 - 00:00

Networking & Spa / Pub Crawling


The essential reason of why EuRuKo 2024 is more affordable for our community.

For over 15 years, we have created stunningly-designed productivity tools that help teams work beautifully together. We are defined by what we create, which is why everything we do is guided by a clear, big-picture philosophy about what sort of company we want to be.
If providing high-quality services is at the top of your mind, message queueing should be too! CloudAMQP is the leading hosting provider of the message brokers LavinMQ and RabbitMQ. We’re excited to discuss data streaming, broker features, Ruby (and Crystal), and how you can scale your infrastructure with the help of message queues.
Bronze Online
Bronze Online
Bronze Online
Bronze Online


EuRuKo 2024 is brought to you by our ORGANIZING TEAM and with the help of our partners.

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